

- 4 min read

Golang abstract class

img of Golang abstract class

I’m doing a side project using golang, and I have a use case where I’d use an abstract class in Java. Unfortunately, in golang the concept of classes does not exist.

In this article I describe how can I implement the behaviour I want without abstract class.

I’m implementing an alert system in golang. When the alert needs to be activated, I want to play a sound through speakers and blink some LEDs for some period of time.

The behavior is quite simple, it needs to provide an implementation to enable the signaler, disable and query.

We will create two clases, one for playing sounds and another one for blinking the LEDs. And an abstract class to implement the shutdown after some period of time. Something similar to:

abstract class Signaler {
    public void enableForTime(int seconds) {
        //Implementation to enable the signaler for x seconds
    public void disable() {
        //Disable the signalers and cancel any pending timer
    abstract void enable();
    abstract void disableSignaler();
class LedSignaler extends Signaler {
    void enable() {
        //enable the LEDs
    void disableSignaler() {
        //disable the LEDs
class SoundSignaler extends Signaler {
    void enable() {
        //enable the speaker
    void disableSignaler() {
        //disable the speaker

The idea of this is to abstract the concrete implementation to the caller of the signaler.

This representation will work in any language that supports inheritance and abstract classes.

Decorator pattern

In golang, the concept of classes does not exist. So, we need to re-architecture the pattern.

Instead of using the abstract class, we can re-think the implementation to use a decorator pattern: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decorator_pattern.

The decorator pattern is a design pattern that allows behavior to be added to an individual object, dynamically, without affecting the behavior of other objects from the same class

It works by defining an interface that will have multiple implementation, we can add new functionalities by adding new implementations. Let’s go define the interface of the signaler:

type Signaler interface {
	IsEnabled() bool

Now, we can do the implementation of the sound signaler. To implement and interface in golang you need to provide a struct that has the same methods as the interface.

type soundSignaler struct {

func (s *soundSignaler) Enable() {
	s.enabled = true
    //start playing sound

func (s *soundSignaler) Disable() {
	s.enabled = false
    //stop playing sound

func (s *soundSignaler) IsEnabled() bool {
	return s.enabled

OK, now let’s do the implementation of the temporal execution of the signaler. In order to do so, let’s create a new type that implement Signaler:

type temporalSignaler struct {
	config          *config.AlarmConfig
	timers          []signalerTimer
	delayedExecutor delayedExecutor
	signaler        Signaler

func (s *temporalSignaler) Enable() {
	var t = s.delayedExecutor.executeAfterSeconds(s.config.SecondsStopSignals, func() {
	s.timers = append(s.timers, t)

func (s *temporalSignaler) Disable() {
	for i := 0; i < len(s.timers); i++ {

func (s *temporalSignaler) IsEnabled() bool {
	return s.signaler.IsEnabled()

The key point of this struct, is that we’re holding a Signaler instance on it. We are “decorating” that instance with the temporal disabling functionality. In order to do so, we just need to implement the logic in the type and call the Signaler methods of the decorated instance.

The most elegant part of this implementation is that we’re defining all the structs as private (name begins with lower case). So, the external modules cannot instantiate them. We can abstract the creation of the sound signaler by creating a factory:

func NewSoundSignaler(config *config.Config) Signaler {
	return &temporalSignaler{
		delayedExecutor: &defaultDelayedExecutor{},
		config:          &config.Alarm,
		signaler: &soundSignaler{
			config:   config,
			executor: &unixCommandExecutor{},

External modules can call the factory method, and they will receive a Signaler instance, hiding effectively the implementation details of the temporal execution and sound playback.